Holiday Afterglow
One of the unexpected benefits of the early days post holiday celebrations is finding whipping cream in the fridge begging to be used up and finding its way [...]
One of the unexpected benefits of the early days post holiday celebrations is finding whipping cream in the fridge begging to be used up and finding its way [...]
November has long been one of my favorite months. Yes, it tends to be dark, with cloudy days and the beginning of cold weather for those of us [...]
On July 19th, it will be time to celebrate the one year anniversary of Finding Grace out in the world. Through no obvious planning on my part—but, rather [...]
Are you trying to avoid the Stuck at Home Omicron Blues? Keeping your spirits up to prevent the deep funk you know some are in? I appreciate how [...]
Turning the page to the delight of December! After a long roller coaster ride filled with dread, gotchas and two many pivots to count, I’m giving myself the [...]
June is whizzing by this year. Seems like the business of carefully re-opening to pre-pandemic experiences consumes lots of energy! It’s been so fun to venture forth without [...]
It’s not an urge really—but a gnawing. Persistent, and unwelcome. It starts as one of those fleeting thoughts one has that it is probably time, but you push [...]
My favorite kind of winter in Minnesota this year--not much snow and very mild temperatures. Of course, we’re hardly through it. As a farmer’s daughter, I know not [...]
November casts a long shadow this year, more than most. In Minnesota, it ushers in the chill of serious autumn leading to the deep freeze of winter. This [...]
I don’t know about you but I’m a bit stir crazy. Six months into this pandemic and the novelty has worn thin. However, the cruelty in its wake [...]